Blood Enhanced Growth Factors (BEGF) for Facial Rejuvenation
Facial rejuvenation is a top priority for many patients, but not all of them are ready or willing to undergo invasive surgery to achieve a more youthful appearance. Fortunately, there are a number of effective treatments available that can provide noticeable results without surgery.
One of the newest cosmetic treatments involves the use of Blood Enhanced Growth Factors to correct some of the most common facial aging concerns. BEGF is a unique formulation created from the patient’s own blood, which has been specifically processed to increase the concentration of platelets in the plasma.
Blood Enhanced Growth Factor therapy involves injection of the patient’s own platelets and fibrin for the cosmetic treatment of wrinkles or scars in the face, hands, and neck. Less invasive than cosmetic surgery, Blood Enhanced Growth Factor injections take about 45 minutes for each treatment, and offers improvements for up to 18-24 months.
Known to some as the “Vampire Facelift” or even the “Organic Facelift,” Virginia Surgical Arts uses our own method of treatment. While its cosmetic applications are relatively new, Blood Enhanced Growth Factors have a long history of use in orthopedic medicine, reconstructive surgery, dentistry, and even Hair Restoration Surgery.
It is a popular treatment for joint, tendon, and tissue injuries in professional athletes because it greatly reduces the amount of time the athlete is out of play after an injury. Blood Enhanced Growth Factors are rich in platelets and growth factors, which are known to stimulate BEGF which in turn stimulates the growth of collagen to help the body heal and regenerate more quickly.
How Blood Enhanced Growth Factors are used in cosmetic medicine
Also referred to as a treatment with Blood Enhanced Growth Factors is able to address a variety of cosmetic concerns in areas of the face that can be difficult to treat with other non-invasive techniques. The most popular uses of Blood Enhanced Growth Factors include:
- Improving skin texture
- Adding volume to the face, hands, and neck
- Treating fine lines and wrinkles around and below the eyes
- Plumping up undereye grooves
- Minimizing wrinkles and lines around the mouth
- Eliminating acne scars and stretch marks
Procedure overview
Treatment with Blood Enhanced Growth Factors can be completed in less than an hour at our office. When the patient arrives, a small vial of blood is drawn, similar to the volume required for routine blood work. The blood is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the growth factors, platelets, and BEGF from the rest of the blood. Once this unique mixture is obtained, Dr. Vendetti injects it into the targeted areas using a very fine needle, similar to ones used to inject Botox.
To achieve the best results, most of our patients have three treatments, spaced at 4 to 8 week intervals. During the first month, a noticeable improvement in skin texture can be seen. Maximum collagen regeneration occurs around 3 months after the initial treatment, resulting in in plumper, lifted skin with fewer lines and wrinkles. The results of the treatment are typically maintained for 18-24 months.
Many patients opt to undergo touch-up treatments after one year to maintain their results.
Recovery and risks
After undergoing platelet-rich plasma treatments, patients are able to resume normal activities immediately. There are very few side effects associated with Blood Enhanced Growth Factor treatments because the injected substance is sourced from the patient’s own body, which eliminates the risk of infection or allergic reaction.
Some patients experience redness in the treated area for up to 48 hours after the treatment, but this is not painful and can be easily concealed with makeup.
Swelling and bruising are uncommon, but last less than a week if they do occur. After the treatment, Dr. Vendetti encourages his patients to keep the skin well hydrated with one of the hydrating products from our VSA Skincare line, and apply sunscreen several times a day to protect the skin and maintain the effects of the treatment.
Ideal candidates for Blood Enhanced Growth Factor treatments
Blood Enhanced Growth Factor treatments are ideal for individuals who are looking for a gradual improvement in their skin’s appearance and seek noticeable, natural looking results. It is appropriate for individuals with mild to moderate signs of aging.
Candidates should also be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the procedure. If you are interested in Blood Enhanced Growth Factor treatments for facial rejuvenation, we encourage you to contact our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation to find out if this is the right treatment for you.