Brow Lifts: What You Need to Know

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Brow Lifts: What You Need to Know
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The brow lift is also known as a forehead lift or rejuvenation. The main objective is to elevate heavy-set or sagging eyebrows. Some techniques are more invasive than others, but the overall result tightens the skin, opens the eyes, and gives a more youthful appearance.

The procedure

There are a few different ways to accomplish a brow lift and each way can depend on different factors.   Dr. Vendetti considers the extent to which correction is desired along with a person’s brow position and hairline along with a host of other factors when choosing methods. All methods require anesthesia (either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation) and some form of incisions on the forehead or scalp areas.  Incisions are usually closed with sutures, skin adhesives, or clips.

An endoscopic approach is a common method and uses a tiny camera to visualize beneath the skin through incisions by the hairline. Through these incisions, careful release of the muscles is achieved which then allows for repositioning of the skin and brows to achieve the desired results.  

Limited incision surgeries require larger cuts near the temples, and are often paired with eyelid surgeries. 

Classic brow lifts are still a very suitable method with overall excellent scar healing results.  The main advantage of this form of brow lifting is the ability to avoid elevation of the hairline which is often seen with the endoscopic approach.  This method of brow lifting utilizes what is known as a coronal incision across the top of the forehead and the scar is cleverly created to hide behind hair follicles of the hairline. 

What it fixes

The brow lift very effectively removes horizontal lines on the forehead, vertical lines between the eyebrows, wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, and sagging brows that hang over the eyes. By elevating the eyebrows, it gives the face a more youthful and well-rested appearance that can take years off of a person’s aged look. 

After surgery recovery

For one to two weeks post-surgery, you may experience tightness, swelling, and bruising. The head is loosely wrapped to minimize these symptoms. Some discomfort and tightness may occur and is normal but thankfully pain is usually minimal. As with any procedure, short-term complications can occur and include numbness and itching of the forehead and scalp but these are almost always temporary.  

During this time period, keep your head elevated and avoid vigorous activity. Patients can shower a day or so after the surgery, and return to work within a week. They’re advised to not exercise for 4 weeks and full healing will take several months. 

These guidelines will help prepare you for your procedure and aftercare, but it’s crucial to follow your physician’s specific care instructions first and foremost.


You should see the lift you desire immediately, and the final results will appear months later. Healthy living and reduced sun exposure will extend the results and prevent touch-ups. 

Written By Virginia Surgical Arts

Our oral and cosmetic surgery facility in Virginia Beach serves all of Hampton Roads and offers oral/facial reconstruction, bone grafting, and facial and body rejuvenation. We are fully licensed and accredited. When you are ready to begin truly appreciating and evoking the real you, Virginia Surgical Arts is here–ready to work with you.