Why You Should Undergo Laser Hair Removal in the Winter

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Why You Should Undergo Laser Hair Removal in the Winter

As you snuggle in for the winter, it is likely that laser hair removal may not be on the top of your to do list. However, winter is actually the perfect season to start the laser hair removal process—especially if you plan to treat an area that is commonly exposed to the sun.

So, just why should you schedule your appointment now? Here are a few reasons that make winter the perfect time for laser hair removal.

How does laser hair removal work? Sending high energy particles of light toward the hair follicles, these light photons then interact with the hair and damage them—stunting their growth and causing the visible portions to break.

It Takes Time to See the Full Results

While results are unique to each person, most of our patients do not experience a noticeable difference in hair thickness or growth within the first few treatments. Commonly, patients find that four to six treatments—spaced six to eight weeks apart—are necessary. The exact amount of time (and treatments) is dependent on the size of the treated area as well as the amount of unwanted hair. Don’t wait until it is too late—it is important to give yourself enough time if you are hoping for smooth skin by summer.

Less Sun Exposure

With dropping temperatures and a chance of snow—much of the winter is spent indoors. This is ideal, as laser hair removals requires that you stay out of the sun for one week prior to your treatment and for at least one week after each treatment. What’s more, warm winter layers and heavier clothing create a protective layer—helping to safely hide your skin from the sun. By reducing sun exposure, you can reduce the severity of any associated side effects as well as ensure that your treatment is as safe and effective as possible.

Your Skin is at its Palest

Skin tone has a major effect on laser hair removal. The laser targets pigment, not the actual hair itself. Contrast is thus important and laser hair removal spawns the most favorable results for those with pale skin and dark hair. This makes the winter months perfect for laser hair removal as most individuals are at their palest come January and February. Furthermore, due to the laser’s affinity for dark color—having laser hair removal when your skin is at its lightest minimizes the risk of any skin color changes such as hyperpigmentation, dark spots, or freckles.

At Virginia Surgical Arts, we understand the allure of soft, touchable skin. We encourage you to embark on your laser hair removal journey starting now. By spring, your unwanted hairs will be gone and come summer, you will be silky smooth and ready to safely enjoy the sunshine.

Written By Virginia Surgical Arts

Our oral and cosmetic surgery facility in Virginia Beach serves all of Hampton Roads and offers oral/facial reconstruction, bone grafting, and facial and body rejuvenation. We are fully licensed and accredited. When you are ready to begin truly appreciating and evoking the real you, Virginia Surgical Arts is here–ready to work with you.