What is Dr. Vendetti? Isn’t he a dentist?

Dr. Vendetti is a both a Doctor of Medical Dentistry (DMD) and Cosmetic Surgery (MD), specializing in maxillofacial surgery. People are often confused that he can both extract teeth and perform facelifts, but Dr. Vendetti’s extensive training allows him to be a “Master of the Face.” To learn more about Dr. Vendetti and his medical background, click here!

Can I get exact pricing over the phone?

Unfortunately, no we are not able to give exact pricing over the phone. Because our office values the fact that no two individuals are alike, we feel it is important to see each patient in person to evaluate and assess their individual case. We pride ourselves on giving customized treatment plans, only quoting you for what you need or or what your procedure demands. Therefore, we will happily give you an exact price for your procedure after an in-person consultation.

Is my procedure covered by insurance?

Oral surgeries are usually covered by insurance. Cosmetic procedures, such as liposuction, are generally not covered by insurance; however, skin excisions and biopsies often are. Click here to learn more about financing options and to see if insurance will cover your procedure.

What can I do to minimize bruising?

Bruising can occur in certain procedures, but there are ways to minimize it, including:
-Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, and St. Johns Wart oral supplements/tablets for 1 week prior to your procedure
-Avoid drinking alcohol for 1 week prior to your procedure
-Notify the office if you take blood thinners like Coumadin® and Plavix® 
-Take Arnica tablets orally for 3-5 days prior to your procedure & 7 days post procedure
-Take Bromelain tablets orally for 3-5 days prior to your procedure & 7 days post procedure
-Ice for 20 minutes on/20 minutes off for the 3 days following your procedure to reduce inflammation

“Everyone is very professional yet the experience is personal! … Absolutely amazing! The atmosphere makes you feel pampered…even though I was getting my teeth pulled out. … I’m ready to come back for a beauty procedure. I would recommend this for oral surgery needs, I am excited to try the more ‘optional’ procedures.”

Lita Staskey