Dermaplaning Treatment in Virginia Beach


As you start to get older, your skin begins to change. Fine lines, age spots, wrinkles, and even acne scars can begin to detract from your appearance. You can try many different creams, injections, and exercises, but the results are short-lived and you begin to lose confidence in the way you look.

Even though the aging process will continue to move forward, these changes in your appearance don’t have to be a part of nature’s overall plan. They can be prevented. There are many treatment options available to you that can reduce their appearance and allow you to maintain your youthful look for much longer. With the right treatment plan, you can avoid harsh chemicals and surgery.

Dermaplaning is a solution you can rely on to keep your youthful appearance. At Virginia Surgical Arts, dermaplaning is a popular treatment option that enables clients to experience fresher, healthier, rejuvenated skin. You can schedule your dermaplaning appointment today in Virginia Beach by calling (757) 430-7690 or by using our contact page!

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a technique that rejuvenates the skin’s surface by removing the outer layer of dead skin and hair with an exfoliating blade. The exfoliation process is very gentle as it clears away the tiny hairs we often refer to as “peach fuzz” as well as any dead skin cells that are not removed when we wash our face.

Waxing may remove tiny hairs, but it will not clear the skin of dead cells and other debris. The process is painless and is the first step in the rejuvenation process. Dermaplaning is often confused with microdermabrasion, but the two are totally different procedures.

What Are the Benefits of Dermaplaning?

The dermaplaning process is very quick and efficient. It is non-invasive and gives your skin a fresh, smooth appearance. There is no pain and there is no downtime after the procedure. Dermaplaning removes dark spots and minimizes the appearance of acne scars.

Dermaplaning is just one of many skincare treatments that can be used to restore youthful vitality to a variety of skin types.

Its anti-aging capabilities make it a good fit for anyone who wants to get rid of those unsightly fine lines and wrinkles.

This painless treatment is the physical exfoliation of the face that removes the top layer of skin and vellus hair or “peach fuzz.” By removing the dulling dead skin cells, a smoother, brighter complexion is revealed.

Dermaplaning Benefits

What to Expect in a Dermaplaning Treatment?

When you arrive for your dermaplaning treatment, you will be placed in a comfortable position. The procedure will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. No anesthetic is needed. You will only feel a slight scratching on the skin being treated.

You will be able to go back to work as soon as the procedure is completed. The final result will be a healthy glow that makes your skin look vibrant and youthful. Before your appointment, your aesthetician will recommend that you wear sunscreen after you leave the office.

As you continue your daily routine, you will notice the dermaplaning procedure was pain-free and resulted in few side effects.

Pair Dermaplaning with a Chemical Peel for Exceptional Results

To enhance the final results of both treatment options, you can schedule a chemical peel after your dermaplaning procedure. The freshly planed skin will be able to absorb more of the chemical peel and will improve the overall results.

Combining these two procedures will unclog pores and reduce the damage caused by spending too much time in the sun. Sun damage can make your skin look dry and dull.

By combining a dermaplaning procedure with other treatments performed by an aesthetician, your results can be much more extensive and will last for a longer period of time. By minimizing the appearance of fine lines, your skin will appear younger and more vibrant.

Botox is another treatment option that pairs well with dermaplaning, especially if you don’t want to undergo a full facelift. The use of fillers in addition to the exfoliation treatment, will trigger the production of collagen as well as remove facial hair.

However, it is important to not schedule these various procedures on the same day. Speak with a Virginia Surgical Arts team member for more information about treatments you can pair with your dermaplaning procedure.

Why Choose Virginia Surgical Arts for Virginia Beach Dermaplaning?

Virginia Surgical Arts is the ideal choice for Virginia Beach dermaplaning. Our aestheticians use the latest, cutting-edge equipment to perform dermaplaning procedures. You will be in a comfortable setting where you can relax and know that you are in safe care.

VSA is a fully licensed and accredited cosmetic surgery center. While at the center, you will receive the highest quality of care at all times. Remember that skin health is of the utmost importance. If you have any skin concerns, discuss them with your doctor and ask them to recommend skin care products that may be beneficial for your skin tone and texture.

Schedule an Appointment for Dermaplaning Today!

If you have questions or would like to learn more, call and schedule your appointment for your Virginia Beach Dermaplaning procedure. Call Virginia Surgical Arts at 757-430-7690 at your earliest convenience. Our staff is eagerly waiting to answer your call and schedule your appointment. Also, be sure to ask about any specials that we currently offer.

“This was my first time getting a microdermabrasion treatment. They were very friendly and professional. I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you! Will definitely recommend to friends and family.”

Groupon Patient