Virginia Beach SculpSure®

Innovative technology to sculpt and define

SculpSure is the world’s first FDA-cleared laser treatment for non-invasive lipolysis of the flanks and abdomen. It’s a state-of-the-art, controlled light-based technology, ideal for patients looking to get rid of stubborn fat.

If you’re interested in non-surgical fat loss options, you may be wondering which would be better for you: SculpSure™ or CoolSculpting®. Virginia Surgical Arts is proud to offer SculpSure™ treatments and can help to explain why SculpSure™ may be a more effective procedure than CoolSculpting®. To discuss if SculpSure™ is the right procedure for you, please call us today at (757) 430-7690.

SculpSure™ and CoolScupting® have many differences, and we can give you Six Reasons why we prefer SculpSure over its competitor.

As opposed to CoolScupting® that utilizes cooling technology, SculpSure™ treatments are delivered by a laser system that heats your fat cells. By directing this laser technology into your stubborn, fatty areas, the laser heats and emulsifies the fat cells, essentially melting them.

Once the fat cells are melted, they are naturally vacated by your body. Additionally, the heat from the SculpSure™ treatments encourage collagen and elastin production in your treated areas. This encourages healthy and youthful tissue growth, leaving your treated area not just thinner, but more taut and beautiful as well.

Benefits of SculpSure™

  • Up to 4 areas can be treated at the same time
  • Only one area can be targeted per treatment Treatments take 25 minutes rather than 1 hour like CoolSculpting®
  • SculpSure™ requires one treatment Most treated areas need 2-4 treatments in order to maximize results

Treatment Options with SculpSure

One of Dr. Vendetti’s favorite benefits of the SculpSure device is that treatments can be completely customized to fit your unique goals. The non-suction applicators can be positioned into various configurations to maximize results. For example, if you’re having your love handles treated, applicators can be placed on both sides to attack the underlying fat all at once. Or, you can have your thighs and stomach treated at the same time. There are so many possibilities available—giving you plenty of options to vaporize unwanted fat, all the while saving you time and money.

How Does SculpSure Feel?

So, what are treatments with SculpSure like? For starters, they’re short. Sessions last only 25 minutes! Our clients love just how quickly and easily they can get in and out of our Virginia office and back to their busy lives. After the applicators are put in place and the cooling element begins, the laser cycles on and off to heat the fat cells, eventually destroying them. Most patients find that treatments are well tolerated and many report feeling a deep warming and/or tingling sensation. There’s no downtime and no major side effects. The skin may be a little tender but any redness and swelling will usually subside in the subsequent days.

To see Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about SculpSure, click here.

At Virginia Surgical Arts, we do not offer treatments with CoolSculpting®. We want to provide the best-available products and technology to our patients, while saving you money, time, and maximizing your results. Because SculpSure™ requires only one treatment per area and requires half the time as CoolSculpting®, it saves our patients time and makes their fat loss more efficient.

This also comes after Dr. Vendetti’s extensive experience working with non-invasive body slimming laser devices and tremendous research to find the most effective yet safe technology for his patients.

Contact Us For Sculpsure Treatment in Virginia Beach


We hope you will consider SculpSure™ at Virginia Surgical Arts when you have made your decision to pursue non-invasive body slimming treatments that are safe and effective. You can maximize your results, save time, and experience results sooner. Contact us today to discuss your SculpSure™ questions and how it can help you love the way you look! Please contact us online or call (757) 430-7690.

“I don’t believe I am saying this, but this was a great experience. I mean I was terrified but Dr. Vendetti made this so comforting and easy. I am so glad I came here.”

Shalini Gurbuxani